Menthol Oil...

Menthol is an organic compound made synthetically or obtained from corn mint, peppermint or other mint oils. It is a waxy, crystalline substance, clear or white in color, which is solid at room temperature and melts slightly above.

The main form of menthol occurring in nature is menthol, which is assigned the configuration. Menthol has local anesthetic and counter irritant qualities and it is widely used to relieve minor throat irritation.

Menthol also blocks voltage-sensitive sodium channels, reducing neural activity that may stimulate muscles. Menthol also enhances the efficacy of ibuprofen in topical applications via vasodilatation, which reduces skin barrier function.

The origination of mint is not known to the people now, but it is said that it was cultivated in Europe in the ancient times.

Commercially, Japan started producing mint around 1870. During that time, it was called Japanese mint and Japan was the leading country in this field. After the 2nd world war was over, Brazil was looked upon by some Japanese producers as mint was found in the Brazilian forests and they started producing mint in Brazil also. Likewise, the production of mint spread over other South American countries too. The production of mint was also taken over other countries of the world like China and India around 1960.

The plant is easy to grow and crossbreeds with other mint plants easily, sometimes making it difficult to tell them apart. Peppermint is in fact a natural hybrid of green mint and water mint with sterile flowers. The strongest of the mint family, peppermint, or menthe piperita has a strong, clean, fresh, minty aroma. Menthol, the most important active element in peppermint, is extracted and used in pharmaceutical products as well as commercial products such as toothpaste flavoring, and food flavoring. The menthol crystallizes in cold temperatures, making it easy to extract from the essential oil for use by the commercial food, beverage, and medicine industries.

Benefit & Uses:

Used by American Indians, the Chinese, and the Egyptians, peppermint is not only a digestive, it also helps the respiratory and circulatory systems. It is an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Essential mint oil is a cleanser, purifier, and detoxifier. It stimulates lymph system drainage, which helps reduce edema and supports detoxing efforts. It is thought to increase stomach acidity as well as directly affect the brain's satiety center, signaling a sensation of fullness after meals.

Peppermint is also useful for chills, colic, diarrhea, headaches, nausea, irritable bowels, rheumatism, flatulence, bad breath, stomach ulcers, catarrh, varicose veins, toothache, fatigue, skin irritations, and spasms. It is even useful for keeping mice, ants, and fleas away.

Beyond physical uses, peppermint has several emotional uses. It is good for easing nervous exhaustion and depression. It is cooling and refreshing, helping to improve memory and concentration. Place a couple of drops on a tissue or in an essence burner and inhale to clear your mind and get your thoughts flowing again. It will strengthen your mental sharpness and help you focus.

For motion sickness, massage a few drops into the abdomen, inside of the wrists, and inhale. Raise low blood pressure with a massage using peppermint oil, Diffuse or inhale peppermint oil mid-morning to avoid snacking, Rub a few drops on the back of the neck and temples to relieve headaches, Place one to two drops on the tongue and another under the nose to improve concentration and focus, Correct cardiac arrhythmia using peppermint oil in the bath or a massage, as it is also a cardio tonic.

Inhale if nauseous or after vomiting for the antispasmodic action will soothe the smooth muscles of the stomach and gut. Combat the chilly and depressed feelings of cold and flu by adding two drops of the warming and stimulating peppermint oil to bathwater. Steam with lavender to cleanse skin, and improve acne, Mist or spray on door jambs to repel bugs and pests, Inhale peppermint, or suck on a candy with real peppermint oil, before a test to increase performance/mental accuracy and memory.

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